Thursday, March 23, 2023

Ask Someone (Marina)

In what part of the world do you imagine me being the happiest?

What would you use to lure me into a trap?
Hugh Jackman

In a perfect world, who would I end up marrying?
Bruce Campbell or Henry Rollins

What is your favourite moment we've shared?
Movies at your parents on the old green farty sofa or double feature drive in. Driving morrison at 15 in the Kmart parking lot in williamstown

What name do you think suits me better than my own?
I can only imagine you as Lisa

What things remind you of me?
SpongeBob SquarePants, the office, anytime someone hits the drums at the end of a joke "badum ch", patchouli, Depeche mode, Madonna, for some reason Dustin Hoffman 🤣🤣🤣, the phrase "what in the Sam hill?" And "toot suite", bertuccis

What do you hope I will always remember about you?
My real name is marina lol

My answers for Marina:

In what part of the world do you imagine me being the happiest?
Initially I would say somewhere out West like New Mexico because it's the climate and culture you admire and feel at home in, but I think you are happiest being close to your parents and siblings, surrounded by a strong support system of family who always have you and your son's best interest at heart.

What would you use to lure me into a trap?
A large tin of homemade (by me) cookies.

In a perfect world, who would I end up marrying?
Aaron Paul 

What is your favourite moment we've shared?
So many!! Eating food in a parking lot in my car, the drive-in, going to see Jason play at various bars and restaurants, The Boy from Oz, the hug outside the airport when I arrived in Armenia, that Christmas Eve at my old place on Tilton Street where we stayed up all night rubbing feet and watching The Boondock Saints on repeat, and that time at your party in Laurel Springs when you thought the ice you were rinsing down the sink magically was melted into a perfect star shape and the joy you exuded, followed by a humongous pout when I told you I used star-shaped ice cube trays. Oh! And reading excerpts from The Onion until we were crying laughing.

What name do you think suits me better than my own?
Marina Vivien

What things remind you of me?
A freshly opened bag of potato chips, Hugh Jackman, The Office, Desperate Housewives, anytime I struggle with a Spanish word during my Duolingo course, period films where someone inevitably says "m'lady" and doesn't say "m'lady, m'tuna, m'petunia", plantains, Ellen Burstyn, Stevie Wonder, bidets, and Jennifer Aniston.

What do you hope I will always remember about you?
That you and I are two halves of one soul.

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