Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Cerpts Quizzie

From the old coneyislandbaby blog - 25 January 2007:

1. Boxers or briefs? boxer briefs
2. Bert or Ernie? bert
3. Laverne or Shirley? laverne
4. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? beatles
5. Frankenstein or Dracula (the books)? frankenstein
6. Frankenstein or Dracula (The 1931 movies)? dracula
7. The Godfather Part I or The Godfather Part 2? godfather(i heart sonny corleone)
8. Star Trek or Star Wars? star wars
9. Alton Brown or Rachel Ray? alton brown!!
10. The Sex Pistols or The Clash? sex pistols
11. Twister or Independence Day (the movies)? twister (phillip hoffman cracks me up!)
12. Bela Lugosi or Boris Karloff? bela
13. Superman or Batman? ooo....superman for comics and michael keaton for batman
14. The Flintstones or Scooby-Doo? scoob
15. Ella Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaughan? ella
16. Bath or Shower? bath-always
17. Day or Night? night
18. Dogs or Cats? dogs
19. Marvel Comics or DC Comics? marvel
20. Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly? astaire
21. The Fantastic Four or The X-Men? x-men
22. The Brady Bunch or The Partridge Family? bradys
23. Spring or Fall? spring
24. Elmo or Grover? grover
25. Britney Spears or a kick to the head? kick to the noggin' fer shure!
26. Elton John or Billy Joel? billy joel
27. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
28. Frank Sinatra or Dean Martin? dean
29. Coke or Pepsi? coke
30. Cake or Pie? death?
31. Pen or Pencil? pen
32. Ralph Waldo Emerson or Henry David Thoreau? thoreau
33. Monsters Inc. or Finding Nemo? monsters, inc
34. Baseball or Football? baseball
35. Coffee or Tea? tea, unless it's ice cream, then it'd be coffee flavored
36. Potato Chips or Pretzels? chips
37. Pirate or Viking? pirate
38. Gone With the Wind or Casablanca? casablanca
39. Little Richard or Chuck Berry? little richard
40. Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon or Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen? the maltese falcon

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