Monday, January 9, 2023

60 - The Dream

The Dream

There was a time when we saw the world in black and white. We knew only these two extremes with nothing in between, not even shades of grey. We understood the world only in terms of night or day, silent or loud, off or on. Other towns had colors but we resisted the idea. Too many possibilities would make us crazy, we thought. With only two options, our way of life was simple and we enjoyed it because we knew nothing else. We knew only hot or cold, happiness or sadness, perfection or chaos. Our radios had switches instead of knobs. We were either awake or asleep and we did not dream until a child woke us one night, banging on our doors with excitement. "I had the strangest sensation of being asleep yet also awake," she cried. "And this world was filled with such strange and wonderful things." That night we began dreaming too, and the next day we began seeing colors and hearing so many new sounds, and we knew this dreamland was where we were supposed to be.

Extremes should be avoided. Embrace the possibilities of limitations. Boundaries exist to lead us towards balance.

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