Saturday, December 22, 2012

George Chuvalo

Where is this man's autobiography? With each interview or documentary I see on him I hunger for more. He is remarkable in every way. George, baby, put pen to paper, new ribbon in the typewriter, boot up the Mac - do whatever ya gotta do to tell us everything about your fabulous self.

{Post Script -  I purchased Chuvalo's autobiography, Chuvalo A Fighter's Life, in late November of 2013 and was so excited to dive right in and read it all in one go. However, by page 22 I was severely disappointed and put the book down. I went back to it a few days later to try again, but never got past Chapter 3. On page 22 he spoke of how the Croatians are mixed with several bloodlines due in part to primus noctus. He says, "In those days, when a Croatian girl got married to her fiancée, the poor guy wouldn't even get the first crack at his new bride." I found this sentence to be despicable and totally lacking any sensitivity. Really? You feel bad for the guy because he doesn't get to be his wife's first? Why not feel angry and upset that women were once subjected to this? How about sympathising with the man because the one woman he has chosen to spend the rest of his life beside and to love for all eternity is raped on her wedding night? Or feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude that you were born in a country that respects women more than the Croatians did. OR maybe leave out the completely asinine comment altogether. It became clear that this book was written for men by someone who doesn't seem to have a great deal of respect for women. That's completely fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion and mine is that I no longer hold Chuvalo in high esteem. It's possible that he's a lovely man with some decent qualitites, but I feel he no longer deserves any more of my adoration. I am overwhelmingly disappointed. From all that I knew of him before, I thought he was a truly great man. Now I see he is merely common and I find that to be so very sad.} 

(photo kidnapped from stumblingbumblingandmumbling

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