Monday, December 10, 2012


Last night at Bishop's we started channel surfing after the penultimate ep of this season's Dexter. We came upon Ferris Bueller's Day Off at the scene where Ferris calls the school pay phone to tell them how he's basically so sick that he's dying. Bishop immediately tossed the remote on the coffee table and said, "I fuckin' love this movie." We then spent the remainder of the film taking turns saying every line along with the characters and busting a gut several minutes before the laugh was to come. We were in stitches.
It's such an 80s movie. John Hughes at his best! Man, I had such a crush on Matthew Broderick in '86 and Bishop confessed that he felt the same way about Alan Ruck - Cameron was without question the heart of the movie. They were both so dreamy. What a fabulous way to start the week - laughing my arse off with my nearest and dearest.

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