Thursday, June 4, 2020

Coronavirus Selfies

People are beyond over social distancing and it's allowed me to get in some hugs and see some much missed faces. I fear that August is gonna be bad, so I wanna get in as much time with friends and family until we have to go into lockdown again.

Still keeping a safe distance from Jackson...

...but up close and personal with Bailey...

...Miss Avery Rose...

...Farley and Ashlee, who I hugged for a solid two minutes, to make up for the time we lost over the past several weeks.

I stopped over to see Terri and it was a bonus to have Shane and Juliette come outside to chat for a bit.

And lastly, my siser-in-law Mary's bestie (well, one of her besties) and my brother Wayne's lady, Chrissy, who I gabbed with for a couple hours. Is she adorable or what?

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