Thursday, September 28, 2023

September 2023 Donations

Tees 4 Togo

With the unveiling of Beastie Boys Park last week, Tees 4 Togo released two new rad shirts. I was super disappointed that they weren't on the website and were only available at the event - UNTIL....there was a notice on Tees 4 Togo's IG page alerting everyone to dash over and pre-order a tee. Well I got my fat ass over there with the quickness and just hope I ordered a size that doesn't look ridonkulous. Can't wait!

During the preorder window only, you can pre-order a reprint of the butter tee that sold out at the event. Mike D and Ad-Rock have signed some of the shirts and we will randomly pick which order gets one, Willy-Wonka-Golden-Ticket style. We need a minimum of 200x pre-orders to launch the reprint of the tee. Tell all your friends and get yours. If you make a partial payment you will automatically be charged the remaining balance at the end of the pre-order phase. If the products do not meet the threshold to reprint, you will be offered a full refund, or the option to donate all, or a portion, of your purchase price to the Peace Sisters charity.

About Tees 4 Togo:

100% of the profits from TEES 4 TOGO go to Peace Sisters a group started by Tina Kampor who has been sending money back to Dapaong, Togo for 15 years so girls in her hometown can attend school.

Each shirt costs $40, which is how much it costs to send a girl to school in Togo for one year.  

The sweatshop-free shirts are collaborations between the artists and the performers who inspired them. They all donated their time and likeness to help girls in West Africa receive the educations they deserve.

- Kathleen Hanna

Please join me in the Low Budget Philanthropy movement and help out your community and beyond in the simplest way - donating any amount to whatever charity or organisation that you care about!

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