Tuesday, February 12, 2019

What I Love About Amy

- No matter how long it's been since we last spoke, we are always able to pick up right where we left off. Never, ever have we had an awkward silence.
- Our childhoods and families are so intertwined and we share so many memories that she's more like family than a friend.
- Every single person in my life that has met Amy genuinely likes her. From my parents, Nana Irma (who sent Amy a five dollar bill in a congratulatory card when she graduated college - Amy went out and treated herself to some Krispy Kreme donuts), all three of my brothers (she is the only one of my friends to be invited to and attend Xavier and Dave's weddings), Bishop, Donna, Aunt Berne, Aunt Gina, Terri, Peter Parker (who oddly enough was so much like Amy it was scary. They both had a cat named Nermal. Like what the hell is that? And they loved Ghostbusters and Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo.) and Marina. She is the most like-able person ever. I can leave her in a room full of strangers and know that she will be able to strike up a conversation with all she encounters.
- Has a really good laugh.
- At my father's viewing he was eulogized by six people - myself, Marina, Fr. Michael, a cousin on my mother's side, and my father's cousin. The sixth was Amy. She was also the only one of my friends to visit my father when he was in the hospital. We didn't want a lot of people coming in and disturbing him, but Amy was absolutely welcome because my father always thought Amy was a great kid and she truly liked him in return.
- Was there for me during all my meltdowns through my teenage years and beyond - through my severest depressions. She didn't have to know mental illness to just be a support to me and a sympathetic ear when I needed it the most.
- She will laugh at damn near anything I say or do. Especially if it isn't even funny. I once held up my index finger and said, "laugh at this" and she did. For way longer than anyone would have ever thought.
- The brainiest, most intelligent person I know.
- Is a self-described tiger on the dance-floor and it is 100% true.
- Unbelievably compassionate and kind to everyone.
- She is conscientious of the environment (duh - she's an environmental chemist) and has changed my life in regards to limiting waste in all areas. Amy is one of those people that teaches by example, which is the best way to create change in the world. She is making me a better person.
- Caring and warm and generous.
- Fantastic sense of humour and a vivacious energy always surrounds her. She is forever with a smile on her face.
- A great partner to have when playing group party games. Everyone wants her - "Shotgun Amy!! I want the PHD on my team!"
- Has sent me a postcard from all of her vacations since at least 1988. I'm not so good at reciprocating but I'm getting better!
- Accepts me as I am and never seemed concerned with what colour or length my hair was, how much I weighed, the dark bags under my eyes, the age lines, or my bad skin. I pretty much never panic before seeing her because she alleviates all that with her unconditional love.
- Her sparkly blue-grey-green eyes and ginger hair are a lethal combination.
- Is the least judgemental person I've met.
- A great hugger!
- We both adore brownies and pie and cake and cookies and donuts and chocolate which means that our sweet tooths are BFFs too.
- She's open minded and accepting.
- Has excellent taste in music (especially classic rock) and was the last person I knew to use cassette tapes. This was up until about seven years ago. Most of the mix tapes were made by me, just so you know.
- She believes in me.

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