Monday, February 24, 2014

M'new Specks

So I got new glasses last week and thus far they have mostly gone unnoticed by friends and family. My mum and my lil' brother were the only ones that took note and their response was the same: "Oh, you got new glasses..." Translation: "You look worse than before." I feel like it's kind of a huge change seeing as I went from rectangular sophisticated frames to old school Elvis Costello types and so I don't get why more people haven't said something. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about them myself and Baby's lookin' for some feedback.

I saw Bishop last night and figured if he didn't say anything that I should seriously consider going back to the old ones. Maybe I'm too old for fun, funky frames. As soon as I crossed his threshold, he stopped me and said, "Hey, new glasses? Huh...I like them. I do. Very Buddy Holly." Whew - what a relief. Then he spent the rest of the night making fun of me and his husband for watching Downton Abbey. He prefers to watch it with us while listening to his iPod. "Downton is so much better when put to House music." I don't think those words have ever been uttered before. That's our Bishop - a complete original.

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