Monday, October 14, 2013

Hangin' with Those Abington Kids

Over the weekend I got a chance to cross the bridge and visit my cousin Jenny and her three fabulous children - Bella, Johnny, and Logan. Logan is kind of a genius and when I want answers I automatically turn to him. At eight, the kid knows pretty much everything. After our greeting, I got right to the point. "So, Logan," I said, "what can you tell me about the debt ceiling and this whole government shutdown." Any average boy his age would roll their eyes and laugh or screech, "How should I know?!?!?" Not our Logan. He went on to tell me the three branches of the government - Judicial, Legislative, and Executive - and went into great detail about what each branch does and how it operates. Okay, so he didn't answer my question but it's like you could totally see his mind at work. I asked about the government and he dug into the file cabinet in his brain and told me everything he knew about how our government works. Then he showed me how he can make an igloo out of Jenga pieces. So, he is still a kid at heart. Bella, Jenn, and I went shopping and got a chance to gab and then we went to pick up John. He had been off scoring his aviation badge and could not stop talking about the flight and everything he saw from above. I'm telling you, I am so unbelievably lucky to have all these brilliant and fantastic kids in my life.

(ps - johnny is usually all smiles but i told him, "gimme a surly angry teenager face." oh he sure did deliver.)

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