Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Best Halloween Ever

It was West Chester, Pennsylvania at Mark and Maggie's in 1983. I was a baton twirler, Dave was a Rubix Cube, and my best friend Amy was a cat burglar. But the best costume by far was Amy's mother, Maggie, who was dressed as a witch - complete with black widow's peak, cloak, and giant pointy hat. There were a ton of friends and family there and we all piled into our respective vehicles and headed out to the pumpkin patch. The most memorable moment for me was that we were in the car behind Maggie - who was driving with the witch hat on - and a man driving in the opposite direction saw her and did the best double take that I have ever seen.

We got to the farm and went on a hayride, which at age seven is the absolute greatest thing in the universe. Us kids had the time of our lives, but little did we know that the fun had only just begun. We got back to Mark and Maggie's and discovered that they had set up the basement as the coolest haunted dungeon of all time. Fog and scary music with black sheets and flashing lights, cobwebs and people grabbing your arm in the dark and whispering, "Woooooo...." It was spooky but safe and Amy and I went through it a hundred times. Then it was upstairs to eat a giant chocolate brownie shaped like a pumpkin with orange icing decorated like a jack-o-lantern. All these years later it still the bestest Halloween ever!!

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