Sunday, June 3, 2012

Candy Says

It's about Candy Darling-and trying to see things from that point of view. But it's also about something more profound and universal, a universal feeling I think all of us have at some point. We look in the mirror and we don't like what we see. All of us have said at some point 'I wish I was different. I wish I had curly hair, or straight hair.' Whatever. I don't know a person alive who doesn't feel that way. That's what the song is really about-and not only in looks, but in what you require."

~Lou Reed
(copied from my college journal 1996)

(photo kidnapped from rottentomatoes)


Anonymous said...

Hi! Great quote, can you cite where it's from for me? I'm writing a paper about the song.

Star said...

Hi Monica! I'm not certain where I read that quote from Lou Reed, but I feel like it was something he said in an interview I saw and recorded. I think I kept pausing it and writing down what he said. Honestly, I really am not sure. But what an excellent song to write a paper about!

Anonymous said...

Shucks! Thanks for getting back to me, I'll use your website as a source. Good quote to catch!