Friday, September 30, 2011

Red Slippers

There's a dirt road.
It's wide. Wide enough for two carriages to pass side by side.
She walks with hesitation towards the trees ahead, one on either side of this sad, desolate path.
As she grows closer and closer he steps from behind the shorter of the two trees.
He is tall and faceless. White and finely dressed, clean and smiling. The girl is fearful of him yet cannot explain these feelings.
I am knee-deep in the marshlands of North Carolina. A French waiter with strong crow's feet brings Italian wine to the nonexistent table. He sees that I have blue eyes beneath my geeky frames. The girl from the road is in the boat. She is being taken advantage of. A man in the dark is sketching her features without her consent. She feels our eyes. I sink to my chest and feel the heavy clouds of pitch pass across the moon. My heart races as I scream a silent scream. I yell for Carlo.
A staircase in a broken house. It's Mr. Thomas' house. Keanu Reeves' construction boots are by the door. But he's out of town. I see the waiter walk past. I call out to him. His name is Gee, short for Guillaume. I become incredibly frustrated. Why won't people answer me? I pick up China plates and smash them to the floor. They clang but do not break and I become even more enraged. The green man calls me Rock Star and I pick up my blanket. The one with the unicorn. I hop scotch on the street with Lucy and tell her I love the boy from behind the tree. Lucy says I hate him and I agree. I run and get stuck in a bank door in Philly. Those spinning revolving doors. Around and around I continue. I wake myself up hearing me say "Big Ben, Parliament, Big Ben, Parliament, Big Ben, Parliament...."
what can it all mean?

(I wrote this several years ago and decided it was bizarre enough to post.)

1 comment:

Cerpts said...

You were right to do so!