Sunday, December 10, 2023

Christmas-ing with Kay!

Today I picked up Kayla and we were off to Phoenixville to get in some shopping and have a nice long lunch. We meant to see the sing-a-long version of White Christmas but decided to skip it and instead just stroll along and have an easy day together. We hit El Burrito for lunch, Insomnia Cookies for dessert (I got a vegan sweet potato pie one and Kayla went with the pb cup cookie), then down to The Record Shop where Kayla bought Hozier's first album on vinyl for thirty bucks and I bought a wee stack of records from the bargain bin. The owner kind of ignored us while he chatted with someone but once he finally turned his attention to us he couldn't have been nicer. He and I talked about Henry Rollins and his recent appearance up the street at The Colonial Theatre in October and he declared that Rollins is a quote, gift to humanity. So true! Then we walked through the rain, past lovely shop windows, until we came up to Reads and Company, where I scored BIG! Kayla and I didn't do tons and certainly didn't hit up near as many shops as we could have, but it was a wonderful and chill afternoon together. The bonus was dropping her off at her mother's (my cousin, Barbaraanne) in Germantown and seeing Jaeden for the first time since MomMom's funeral. Our hug was one of the top five best hugs of all time and for once, I wasn't the one to break the hug. He held on and I really felt that he was so genuinely happy to see me. He's become such a man and I wish I could see him more. He's a fabulous fella. Oh and when I asked for a selfie he said, "For the blog!" Adorable!!

(Pit stop selfie on the way to lunch!)

(By the tree in El Burrito)

(Damn that glare! This window was all kinds of beautiful)

(One of the salesladies saw me snapping this photo and I smiled, giving the window display a thumbs up and she enthusiastically thumbs upped me right back!)

(Birdies at Reads & Company!)

(Reunited with my nephew!!!!!)

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