Saturday, December 5, 2020

Books & Cooks Tour

All year I’d been planning and looking forward to the first weekend in December. I had this grand idea that Jackson and I would gather a pile of Christmas books together, bake tons of cookies and then deliver them to friends and family in the Tri-State area. COVID put a big ole crimp in that plan but we forged on. Jackson is nearly nine and spending time doing anything but playing Fortnite is low on his list, so his excitement for today was virtually nil. Regardless, we had a pretty decent day, even though the soundtrack wasn’t holiday music but rather Daft Punk and Conchita Wurst. 

First stop to pick up the lil’ bugger at MeMom and Pop’s who received a box of cookies plus a Dave Barry book for Pop and Debbie Macomber’s Dashing Through the Snow for MeMom. We made it just in the nick of time to the Post Office to mail out Trader Joe’s cookies for Brett, Natalia, and Teo plus Skipping Christmas for Natalia. Next up was to drop cooks at Jackson’s where we saw Momma Mary, Syd, and boyfriend Rey, then off to see Dave, Lucy, and Stacey! They are quarantining for two weeks after a visit to Indy, but we got in a six-foot-distance-selfie. 

Next was a near-ish post office box where we dropped off the postie to Santa and all of my Christmas cards.

Next up was across the bridge to Philly to score a parky spot right across from Kayla and Dan's place. A Christmas miracle. Kay received mugs for her and Danny, a cute tin full of cookies (chocolate chip coconut made especially for Kay), and a wintery Mary Higgins Clark classic. Oh! And she took a pic of me and Jax in our matching Tees 4 Togo Ad Rock shirts, purchased just for the Books and Cooks Tour. Pretty rad, huh?

After Philly we were back to Jersey to see Marina and Mateo who received books, cooks, plus the bonus of a stack of holiday flicks to add to their collection. The boys even got to play a little on Teo's new jungle gym.

Finally we made it to Nana Rose's for a pit stop and to split a red pie for dinner - woohoo! Then our last cookie drop was to Bishop's then Trader Joe's for a photo op in front of the big tree. A perfect end to the day.

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