Friday, February 7, 2020

Harold and Maude

I first saw this film with Rachel back in my old rowhome in Philly in the early aughts. It was such an easy movie for an oddball like me to fall for. I easily identified with Harold and I longed to find a Maude to complete my life. (Not to mention a tricked out Jag.) It was such a beautifully unique love story and the music by Cat Stevens (now, of course, Yusuf Islam) is utterly sublime. I watched a documentary, Hal, about director Hal Ashby and suddenly realised that it'd been years since I last watched Harold and Maude. So after work I popped it in and sat on the floor watching it with the same joy and wonder I'd felt toward it all those years ago.

(film poster photo kidnapped from impawards --- photo of Harold and Maude, the morning after, kidnapped from minimediabites --- Maude's bday photo kidnapped from - who wrote a fabulous and in depth description of the film and why it's brilliant - follow that link to read all about it!)

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