Monday, November 25, 2019

Tim Tam Slam!

A while back on a compilation DVD of So Graham Norton one of the guests (an Aussie, presumably) talked about cookies from her childhood and showed Graham the trick to eating them. Well, it doesn't take more than the word "cookie" to pique my interest. I did a bit of research, found the Tim Tams and followed the instructions from Graham Norton. It was such a fun experience that I went around telling everyone I knew about this. Anne was the one that, prior to my bringing them to her house to have her try it out, went on You Tube and told me that the game is referred to as Tim Tam Slam. So far I have tried it and introduced it to Xavier, Mary, Zach, Jax, Anne, Mum, Melanie, Ashlee, Sean, and Kay. Here's the video I shot of Xave giving it a go.

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