Thursday, August 8, 2019

July 2019 Donations

Tees 4 Togo

100% of the profits from TEES 4 TOGO go to Peace Sisters a group started by Tina Kampor who has been sending money back to Dapaong, Togo for 15 years so girls in her hometown can attend school.

Each shirt costs $40, which is how much it costs to send a girl to school in Togo for one year.  

The sweatshop-free shirts are collaborations between the artists and the performers who inspired them. They all donated their time and likeness to help girls in West Africa receive the educations they deserve.

- Kathleen Hanna

(photo of Tina Kampor and Kathleen Hanna kidnapped from rollingstone)

I bought the Kristen Schaal one because I love her to pieces! If I ordered the right size, I'll be going back for more, you can count on it.

Rutger Hauer Starfish Association

I was so touched to discover that Rutger Hauer created an AIDS awareness non-profit and felt compelled to send in a donation.

Mission Statement
The Rutger Hauer Starfish Association is dedicated to providing help, attention and care to children and pregnant women with HIV/AIDS, as well as educating communities about this disease.

(photo copyright  Joost van den Broek)

Please join me in the Low Budget Philanthropy movement and help out your community and beyond in the simplest way - donating any amount to whatever charity or organisation that you care about!

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