Monday, March 4, 2019

Luke Perry

Wow. I was so surprised to hear today that Luke Perry passed away. I knew he'd had a stroke last week, and a pretty bad one at that, but I just figured that he would recover, maybe have some Kirk Douglas-like speech issues, but make a full recovery. It's so hard to imagine that he wouldn't make it.

Freshman and Sophomore years of high school I was, like ba-jillions of other 14 and 15 year old girls, hooked on Beverly Hills, 90210. I had a poster of Luke on my teenage bedroom wall and other photos of the cast. Autumn and I constantly wrote letters to eachother proclaiming our love for all things Luke Perry and Jason Priestley, even sending eachother our favourite magazine pix of them both. I mean who could choose between these two gorgeous creatures? Autumn was the luckiest of them all because she went to Luke's old high school in Ohio. Here's the school newspaper that she sent me (how sweet was that?!?!) that told of a hometown boy that made it big.

It was so nice to see that in recent years he's had a resurgence in popularity with a whole new generation on the show Riverdale. As for me, he will forever be linked to my early teenage years and I'll never forget his role as Dylan on 90210.

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