Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter 2018

Easter was super fun this year. I got to chase Lucy around, catch up and talk with Syd and Zach, joke around with Jackson and chat with my three brothers and my two sister-in-laws. Mum was busy serving food and gabbing with everyone, but we caught up after everyone headed home. I even scored some pretty fab pix - see for yerself!

Xavier & Mary - the happiest married couple I've ever known. They are both so perfect for eachother.

Jax and Zach breakin' out the big smiles. I love Zach's hair - he looks like a young Brian Setzer. So hip and rockabilly.

Ain't Mama Rosie purty?

Lucy actually let me carry her around for a bit! Progress.

The "look nice in this one" photo.

Followed by the "all right be goofy now" pic.

The friggin' sun was blinding... 

Look at Syd - she is effortlessly beautiful. And confident. And smart. And ambitious. And kind. And funny. And so much more.

My three brothers (Wayne, Xavier, and Dave) with the lil guy gettin' in on the photo op. 

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