Thursday, April 7, 2016


In September, Natalia and I came upon a little shop that sold fabulous sweaters and fun rockabilly dresses. I had it in my mind that the shop was on Grafton and when I returned in December with Paul we walked up and down Grafton Street but couldn't find it. Well, today I went back for more goodies at Blazing Salads then pulled over just outside to see if there was a decent chip shop nearby. As I looked up and across the street, there it was! George's Street Arcade. I dashed right over and purchased thee cutest sweater ever. Then, since Barbara's place has a DVD player, I stopped at Tower Records (how 90s does that sound?!) and picked up the latest season of Call the Midwife (which I haven't seen), Sherlock seasons 1 through 3 and season 4 of Episodes. What a successful afternoon!

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