Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Typical Evening w/Fr. Michael

Last night, after we both finished work, Michael stopped over at about 9ish. While I was in the kitchen chopping up fruit and veggies to set aside for my juicing for the weekend, Michael told me of the films he'd seen that week. "I saw Prisoners which was excellent. Then I watched Lost at Sea (actually not called that.) It was literally the most painful experience of my life. Watching some hundred year old man wander around in a sinking boat with no expression on his face. He was like a zombie. It was truly excruciating. Then I saw Argo - I was on the edge of my seat through the entire film. And Blue Jasmine was also good. I don't much care for Woody Allen, but that Cate woman was great. So was her dark haired friend." (As for me, I liked Prisoners and All is Lost, I loved Argo and I haven't seen Blue Jasmine yet, but I will eventually.)

Then we moved on to other topics, such as Lent, which I no longer celebrate and had all but forgotten about how the Catholics usually give things up for Lent. I have no memory of why they do this, though. Michael shared with me, "I've given up porn for Lent." Of course he did.

As midnight approached I convinced Michael to watch an episode of Call the Midwife, since he adores nuns. During the delivery scene he asked me, "Is that something you think about? I mean, could you ever see yourself being pregnant and becoming a mother?" I told him that I've thought about it, but certainly not seriously. I mean, it has to be an incredible experience especially that throughout those nine months the mother-to-be is the center of attention and her partner is at his most attentive and adoring. Not to mention that he is in awe of this woman of his who is carrying his child and that he is able to witness as she brings that baby in to the world. That's gotta be an extraordinary feeling - to be someone's most important person. But then after all that, things go on as they always had before, except now you have this new creature that depends on you for everything but their own breath. Why go through all that just to be placed on a pedestal for a few months? Too much responsibility and truthfully I am just not at all maternal. I love my kids - my nieces and nephews - but I do not want children of my own. I am terrible with babies and too weird to be a mother. My kids would grow up to be more messed up than I am and the world does not deserve that.

I had really hoped that Fr. Michael would love Call the Midwife as much as I, and that it would be our next series to get into after we complete Nurse Jackie. I wasn't sure if he was enjoying the show until the very end when he got all weepy and said in a sniffily lil' voice, "Oh God, this show is so good. I really needed this..." I'm tellin' ya, that series'll rip your heart out.

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