Sunday, January 3, 2010


About 12 years ago I had a very vivid and bizarre dream. But, I'm often prone to odd dreams. In this one however, I found myself in an enormous banquet hall filled with celebrities dressed to the nines. I was standing beside Holly Hunter and she looked stunning. Suddenly she turned her back to the door and facing me whispered, "Oh my God, I can't believe it. I can't believe he's here. Bill Shatner!" I looked to the doorway and sure enough, there he was, Bill Shatner. Holly continued to freak out, "Oh Jesus, he's coming over here. How do I look? Do I look okay? How's my hair? Oh my God I can't believe this, I just love William Shatner, you have no idea."
Holly spun around with an ear to ear grin as Shatner walked over to us. Just as Holly was about to introduce herself to the man of her dreams, she stopped cold. Shatner, ignoring Holly, glided instead to me, took my hand in his as if in a melodramatic romance scene and asked my name. I replied, "Elizabeth," with a note of confusion in my voice as to why in the hell he would be speaking to me when Holly Hunter is but inches from him. Shatner closed his eyes in ecstasy, threw his head over his right shoulder and gasped, "Elizabeth...What an enchanting name..." and then proceeded to kiss my hand. I look over to Holly and see that she is cloaked in devastation and about ready to burst into tears. Bill, who doesn't take his eyes from me for an instant, let alone even notice Holly's existence, links my hand under his arm and leads me away. Oddly enough, after this dream I was like, "Y'know, that Shatner bloke isn't half bad." I still can't forget the look of disappointment on Holly's face. It amuses me because I've got a face like Harrison Ford and there's not a chance in hell that a real life Bill Shatner would choose me over someone as supremely beautiful as Ms. Holly Hunter. But then again, maybe Shatner is a HUGE Harrison Ford fan...

(I'd like to add that Harrison Ford has a truly lovely face, however, it is a masculine face and one that does very little good on the body of a thirtysomething gal. You understand, I'm sure.)

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