Monday, July 31, 2023

Crayola with the Kids

On Saturday I took Jackson and Lucy to the Crayola Experience in Easton, PA. Stacey let me use her SUV, so the kids were comfy in the back and I was loving the hardcore AC up front. We chatted on the way and then 10 minutes from our destination I missed the exit and had a mini-meltdown. Lucy is the sweetest gal in the universe and in her little voice that's an American version of Bluey's sister Bingo, she said, "Aunt Lisa, I think I know how to get there..." and tried to give me directions while I was trying to follow the car's GPS. Jackson has seen both sides of this Gemini and knows when I get frazzled that it's best to pipe down until I've ranted and recovered. I kept trying to nicely tell Lucy "thank you, but I'm fine", but she would continue to say "can I tell you something?" and go right on talking. Jax kept politely shushing her as I tried to maintain my cool. We finally arrived only to discover that the parky garage across from Crayola was under construction and closed. Now I was in full-meltdown mode. I looped around and couldn't figure out where to park and Jackson to the rescue, pointed to the right and said, "how about there?" Poof! There was a big ass parky place just waiting for us. I went up to the roof, found a spot by the elevators and hurrah! we paid via the app and walked for three wee little minutes until we reached the entrance where the kids posed for pix, then in for three hours of fun. 

The place was lousy with children (big surprise) and it was pretty expensive but I got five crayons, a pack of gel pens, and got to hang out with two of my fave people ever. The kids had fun, too, and walked out with a plushy cornflower blue crayon for Jax, and a t-shirt, magnet, and little charms for Miss Lucy.

It was a good time and the bonus was stopping at Vegan Treats on the way home - it's only 20 minutes from Crayola! Lucy was so cute when she said she can't have anything there because she's not a vegan. But she turned around quick when she saw cake pops and cookies - both of which she really liked. Jax and I scored brownies and I bought this adorable Confetti Cake that we all just loved. I'm already looking forward to the Fall when the three of us can go to Grounds for Sculpture together!

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