Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Ask Someone (Terri)

In what part of the world do you imagine me being the happiest?
I think either London or somewhere in in France but I really think London I think you would really enjoy it there.

What would you use to lure me into a trap?
I think you would be hard to lure into a trap but I would say that I really needed to see you and I miss you which I do very much. I would tell you I could really use the pick me up and would you come see me but I wouldn’t wanna trap you.

In a perfect world, who would I end up marrying?
OK well mine is silly. I was thinking of the first thing that came to mine is Johnny Depp but I don’t know why.

What is your favourite moment we've shared?
For my favorite memories was all the fun that we had Over the years. laughing ourselves silly until we almost peed just the raw fun that we have always had. Those are my favorite memories when everything was so carefree, and just fun, and I couldn’t wait to just see you and be together and laugh and enjoy ourselves.

What name do you think suits me better than my own?
That one is the hardest one because I love Lisa Star because that’s who you are you shine in and I know I’m being sappy and I’m sorry about that but you do shine when I see you you light up a room for me and my heart races and I get so excited to see you. I know it’s really sappy. I’m sorry about that but it’s true just gets so excited in and fill me with such enthusiasm to see you and I know anything is possible and nothings out of the question and we would have so much fun like we always have and I miss that a lot or we can just sit and talk and that could be just as fun as exciting as any. it doesn’t matter what we do or did before it was always fun and exciting and I couldn’t wait to see you and I knew whatever was on the agenda. It was gonna be great just being with you.

I was thinking of Irish names Jess, Siobhan, Cait.

What things remind you of me?

What do you hope I will always remember about you?
I want you to remember how much fun we always had, and laughing ourselves till we almost peed ourselves, and just having such a good time together. I always wanna remember that, and the way that I was before and how much fun it was to be together.

My answers for Terri:

In what part of the world do you imagine me being the happiest?
Vermont. Someplace near things but remote enough where you can sit with a mug of tea and some homemade gluten free chocolate chip cookies made for you by me and on commercial breaks from a Hallmark movie starring Christopher Russell you can look out your living room window and see beautiful scenery and nature at its best.

What would you use to lure me into a trap?
Lindor Dark Chocolate Truffles specifically made gluten free for you!

In a perfect world, who would I end up marrying?
Ethan Hawke. He's very handsome in a scruffy, real kind of way and I find him to be so deep, so profound, and utterly fascinating. 

What is your favourite moment we've shared?
When we drove down to Richmond Virginia for the day to get pizza at Bottom's Up and then donuts at Krispy Kreme because that was the closest branch. On the way home we listened to Dennis Miller's comedy CD The Off White Album and I had to pull on to the shoulder of I-95 because we were laughing so hard and I couldn't catch my breath and I couldn't see the road because I was crying. I just remember the part where he talks about getting a short-sleeve suit and a Century 21 blazer for the holidays and you busted a gut laughing. Absolutely hilarious.

What name do you think suits me better than my own?
Terri really suits you because it's cute and I love it with the I versus a Y, but if I had to choose a different one for you I would go with Anastasia Violet. At work you'd go by Ana, but your friends and loved ones would call you Sassy or Sass. I would call you Sassafras. 

What things remind you of me?
purple cars, cute purses, Pink Floyd (especially Shine On You Crazy Diamond), sexy scruffy fellas, perfectly manicured nails, gluten free snacks, popcorn, Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth, Gustav Klimt, cumin, romantic decor, candles, Christopher Russell, Godzilla, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

What do you hope I will always remember about you?
That I was easy to be with and loved you loads and that you never need to do or say anything to earn it. 

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