Tuesday, June 27, 2023


In one of my journals from college I wrote a list of my favorites on September 10th, 1997:

cereal - Cocoa Pebbles
fashion designer - Isaac Mizrahi
thing to sleep in - my Swedish Ikea bed
accessory - my 3 rings - Claddagh, emerald heart, and silver band
perfume - Summer/Spring - Rapture • Winter/Fall - China Musk
underwear - Contempo's 1994 line
book - "5 Children and It" by E. Nesbit
movie - The Blues Brothers
movie star - Gary Oldman
author - E.B. White
thing to do - daydream
title of film if G.O. and I starred - "Partners in Crime"
song - "Lisa Says" (live version) by The Velvet Underground
album - The Smiths "The Queen Is Dead"
singer - Madonna
indulgence - Russell Stover's chocolates
snack - muffins
fast food - French Fries
TV Show - (now) Seinfeld - (then) MASH
gift to give - music
gift to receive - love
place to visit - home (Philadelphia)
teacher - Mrs. McCormick
time of day - before I fall to sleep
historical figure - Ponce de Leon
memory - dropping Dave O'Donnell off from work
hot drink - hot chocolate
cold drink - H2O & Mango Madness Snapple
dream - Sid & I
day of the week - Thursday
meal - pasta, sauce, garlic bread (Olive Pit), H2O and wine
quote - "When you look for the bad in mankind expecting to find it, you surely will." - Abraham Lincoln {later discovered he did NOT say this}

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