Last night Amy and I were planning to see
An Inconceivable Evening with Cary Elwes at The Merriam Theatre together but her Stones concert from 2020 was rescheduled for the 11th in Georgia with the fam. I soldiered on, loving being able to throw my bag and coat on Amy's seat and stretch out a bit. Amy texted me pix from the concert and said they all had a fabulous time.
Inconceivable was okay. I thought it would be a sort of stand-up of Cary discussing his memories of the film and a bit about his life and other work then perhaps a Q&A with the audience. It wasn't. It was the film, which was fun because the crowd was so into it, then about a half hour interview of sorts where Cary told all the stories I already knew from the two times I had read his book. It was a good time, but the stress leading up to it, the struggle to find a fucking parking garage that was not full, maneuvering my way through a city I should know well but don't
(if only I knew Philly like I know Antwerp and Dublin), wasn't worth $150. The best part of the evening was bumping into my sister-in-law in the bathroom ten minutes before the end of the film. I was the only one there and wanted to snap a mirror selfie
(I'm so vain, I know) before the person coming down the stairs came in.
(You can see her in the background!) We hugged, took a real selfie and after the show I went over to say hi to her and the baby brother. Xavier and Mary were able to get VIP seats and meet Cary afterwards. I didn't know about the show until all of those tickets were sold out so I missed out. It was a nice evening after all is said and done and Cary was great with the audience.
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