Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Larry Kramer

Today the world lost a fighter. With words and rage he could outbox anyone and often did. A true fighter has to not need to be liked or loved or admired. They must do whatever it takes to get the results they demand. Larry Kramer began his fight, and it was a true battle, to save the lives of those dying around him of AIDS in the very early 80s. At that time no one cared that gay men were dying at an unbelievable rate and in hideous, horrible ways. AIDS has never been pretty; it has always been cruel. Larry was furious that no one gave a damn because it was just a bunch of faggots and who cares? Good riddance. Larry Kramer is personally responsible for saving the lives of countless people due to his never backing down or giving up, for pushing to have AIDS be a part of the discussion and not remain in the cupboard under the stairs. He raised his voice and made people hear him, to recognise that those that are dying are human beings, that they matter, and they must be saved. Now that Larry Kramer is gone from this earth, whose voice will ever match his? Who is left to fight for us?

(photo of Larry Kramer kidnapped from nytimes - additional info: Sara Krulwich/New York Times Co./Getty Images)

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