Monday, August 12, 2019

A Mixtape from Ani

I've been a fan of Ms. Ani DiFranco since the late 90s and have seen her in concert more than any other artist. I haven't listened to her in a long time until I looked her up and realised she recently released her memoir! Clearly I bought the audio version, which she of course reads, and then went to Righteous Babe Records to do a little shopping. Turns out that Ani put together a lil' mixtape of some new recordings of her old tracks. When I received my package I was super disappointed that I received the CD and not the cassette. So I emailed the customer service department and told them about the mixup and asked if the cassette was still in stock. If it was, I could ship back the CD, since I kept the receipt and envelope. A couple days later I was told that they were sorry about the incorrect item being shipped, were sending me the cassette and told me "Don't worry about returning the CD, it's yours to keep, or maybe give to a friend who might enjoy Ani." Score! PS - it's a really good album.

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