Monday, May 15, 2023


Since I first saw him on Family Ties, I instantly loved Michael J. Fox. This documentary over on Apple TV was a fantastic look into his every day life. Seeing his struggles with Parkinson's was really cool. Cool as in, not brave exactly, or maybe, yes - brave to share his day to day life including the not-so-great moments - but cool as in I like just seeing people with disabilities, or whatever, being themselves and letting the world see them. To be seen is so important. When the world sees people with special needs or physical disabilities or anything that keeps them from being 100% able-bodied, it changes everything. One goes from thinking that someone is walking "funny" and then perhaps feeling uncomfortable or afraid to hardly noticing them because they are recognised as merely another person living their life. No big deal. I really appreciated this film for that reason and plus it's so nice to know that the fella I crushed on back in the day went on to stay a fabulous guy. 

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