Wednesday, April 12, 2023

36 - The Night

The Night

We can no longer tell the difference between day and night. Our lights blaze around the clock. Streetlights, porch lights, lamps, and the blue glow of televisions and thousands of tiny screens. Midnight looks a lot like noon these days The old-timers will tell you there was a time when we used to enjoy the dark. Although it was mysterious, the night gave our minds room to breathe and we would rest our eyes while contemplating the stars. Then someone turned on a light because they did not like the unknown. They were frightened of things they could not see. The stars dimmed a little and the sky faded from black to blue, and we decided the night was ruined so we switched on our lamps too. This is how our nights turned into days. But last night our neighbor turned off his lights and we admired his quiet patch of dark so we did the same. The sky is beautiful tonight and if somebody turns on a light we will ignore it, knowing sooner or later they will want to see the stars again.

Our actions are contagious. We must not follow others blindly. Accepting the light and the dark leads to sound judgment.

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