Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Days of Anna Madrigal

It makes me sad to say this but The Days of Anna Madrigal was tough to get through. Burning Man as a setting? Ugh, so not my scene. And the backstory for Anna? Beyond depressing. Don't even get me started on that creepy scenario with Michael, Ben, and the ex-Mormon. It was so dumb and not necessary, as far as I'm concerned, and had me shouting out loud "What is happening!? What the fuck does this have to do with ANYTHING?!!?" Then we had Mary Ann as a candy-striper? Please. She's the least nurturing person in the series. I just felt so incredibly let down by the entire thing. I'm sure when I re-read the series in the future I'll have a different outlook once I reach this one and will maybe like it, but as of now, I feel seriously bummed. And I mean that in both the American and British sense of the word. I have one more Armistead Maupin book to read - The Night Listener - and I think and frankly, am crossing m'fingers that it's going to be really good. More on that later!

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