Monday, June 11, 2018

May 2018 Donations

HRC - Human Rights Campaign 

Having been an ally of the LGBT community since high school, it was wonderful to discover the HRC about ten years ago. The community has made great strides since I was a teenager but we still have a long ass way to go to reach full equality, acceptance, and love.

(photo of HRC logo kidnapped from wikimedia)

The Human Rights Campaign represents a force of more than 3 million members and supporters nationwide. As the largest national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer civil rights organization, HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community.


I grew up in a predominately white town in a middle class white family. I never had to worry about anyone prejudging me based on my skin colour. My parents raised me and my brothers to believe in equality - a human is a human is a human. We are all the same and should not judge or mistreat anyone based on physical characteristics, religious beliefs, et cetera. There's definitely been times where I felt guilty about how easy I have it just because I am white. I've let go of that and instead continue to be accepting and open minded. I donate to the NAACP and have (off and on) for years because of this statement:

The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.

Any organisation that strives to "eliminate race-based discrimination" is worth supporting. It feels good to send some money to all the organisations, big and small, that are aligned with my beliefs and helping to do good in an often very scary world.

Please join me in the Low Budget Philanthropy movement and help out your community and beyond in the simplest way - donating any amount to whatever charity or organisation that you care about!

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