Monday, August 15, 2011


Tony Hale. How could Arrested Development be my favourite TV show and my fave character not be Buster Bluth? Tony was absolute perfection as Buster which is why Buster was my fave character on the show. This weekend I saw Josh Radnor's film happythankyoumoreplease and Tony Hale's performance makes every other scene in the movie go into star filter so that his moments are the ones that stand out. The movie was charming and interesting, but if anyone other than Tony Hale had played Sam #2, I doubt I'd have been so taken with the film. Do yourself a favor and go see it, if only for the scene during dinner between Tony Hale and Malin Åkerman. Everything Tony's character says is endearing and enchanting.

(photo kidnapped from movieinsider)

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