Tonight The Colonial was showing Vincent Price's film Theatre of Blood. Wayne is a huge VP fan and last month I rang him up and said, "we gotta go!" He heartily agreed. But then I went to check the time and saw that they managed to book Victoria Price to do a bit of a Q&A after the show. Hot dog!!! I ordered tickets in advance and Wayne and I decided to meet up for an early bite at 4:30 and catch up before heading to the show. It was such fun! The movie was much better with the crowd, who laughed at all the over-the-top moments and clapped at the end. On a mid-movie peepod break, I looked over the balcony landing to see Ms. Price and her adorable pooch, Vincent's grand-doggie, Allie, sitting at a little table, looking at her phone. Good manners be damned, I crept down, went over to her and asked, "Excuse me, Ms. Price, do you have a minute?" She looked up, smiled, and said of course she did. I asked if she would sign my copy of her book and she did! I told her how much I enjoyed her narrating her father's memoir The Book of Joe and that her Dad and I share the same bday "Oh! May 27th!" she said with excitement. It was only a couple minutes but she was so nice and so pretty, with gorgeous curls and a lovely smile. Then after the movie and the Q&A session, we stopped at the table so Wayne could grab a copy of her book, Vincent Price - A Daughter's Biography, and get it signed. She recognised me and as she was processing the sale I mentioned that at dinner we were discussing our fave Vincent Price films and I said how I love House of the Long Shadows because it also starred Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee. "Oh that one is fun!" Ms. Price said. Then Wayne and I walked back to our cars, but not before I said, "We just met Vincent Price's daughter!" "Yes, we did! My social circle just expanded leaps and bounds!" What a great evening!

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