Saturday, September 14, 2019

Rittenhouse Art Show

This afternoon Anne, Mum, and I hopped the Speedline to Philly to check out the Rittenhouse Art Show. It was a pretty big production and honestly, there wasn't a bad artist in the bunch. I mean, I'm pretty open minded, but every single tent was filled with genius. Plus we got to chit chat with a few of the artists and that was kinda cool. I mean, we definitely did not look like we were gonna buy anything, but that didn't stop them from just being human and chatting us up a little. I was wicked menopausally hot but managed to survive the outdoors, even as my companions kept on about what a perfect day it was. I didn't dare photograph the artwork, but scored a selfie on the train platform and some snapshots of lovely Rittenhouse Square. Oh, and The Barclay, because Mum demanded that I photograph the door for no other reason than she thought it was gorgeous.

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