Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Rear Window at The Ambler Theatre

I left work a little early today, picked up Zach and headed over to Ambler, PA to show him Rear Window on the big screen. I think I built it up a bit too much for him, but still, Zach said he liked it. We loved discovering a new movie theatre and The Ambler is gorgeous - outside and in. Oh, and the price for Zach's "Youth" admission had us completely gobsmacked. That and that I bought two sodas (Boylan's Orange for Zach and Root Beer for me) cost only five dollars total. We were impressed.

Arriving 45 minutes early, since there was very little traffic, we settled in and began to notice that, holy cow, there's a lot of people here to see an old movie on a weeknight... By the time the open credits appeared onscreen, it was at least 95% at room capacity. And everyone applauded at the end. Oh, I do so love that!

(dig that gorgeous dame that snuck in our photo! we don't know her but WOW.)

(Zach is wearing his one and only expression for photos (I think bc of his braces) and same with me bc I am hiding some zits and a quadruple chin behind that hand! But damn it, we are still totes adorbs.)

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