Friday, October 19, 2018

The Cool Ghoul

On the 30th of April in 2005 Cerpts, myself and a couple other friends went to North Jersey to Chiller Theatre, a horror convention. I didn't really know many of the guests, but I did have two great moments - I went peepods in the stall next to Lorraine Newman and Adrienne Barbeau was walking out the door in front of me and did that nice thing that only nice people do where they hold the door and pass it off to you, rather than allow it to smack back into your face. Anyways, the first celeb we saw was Zacherley, who I only knew from Cerpts' Halloween mixes. He was very dapper and soft spoken and when I took this, let's face it, terrible photo (note: Zacherley looks wonderful, but it's garbage. Why did I want to get the sign rather than a decent photo of the man himself? No clue...) but a terrible photo of a seriously cool ghoul indeed. And he is raising his hot dog to me, which is just plain cute. And he drinks Snapple. Adorable.

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