Friday, September 28, 2018

Baby's Take on "Babycakes"

*spoiler alert!*
me: one else will understand my rant. I’m a little less than halfway through “Babycakes”. If Mary Ann shacks up with Simon, the English Brian Look-a-Like to get pregnant I will LOATHE her forever. This series, Bishop, I’m tellin’ ya, I’m up all night and can’t put the books down. 

Bishop: I know! That's how I was with the entire series. The good thing was that I worked at a bookstore when I was reading them and I had the 1-10 shift. So I would go home after work and read them until 4 in the morning and then go to sleep! 
By the end of the series, Maryann was my least favorite character. 

me: Bish, I despise her. When I realised she was going to go thru with it I yelled “fucking idiot - I hate you” at the page. Then I skipped the rest of her chapter and went back to Mouse in London. I get that people are flawed, but she is the {insert name of current president} of the literary world. I wish she had fallen off that cliff with Norman in book one. 

ps - I finished reading Babycakes and although I would have absolutely loved it if Mary Ann weren't such a complete, sorry Mum, but I have to say it, twat, I would have adored this book. However, I liked the ending and I am going out shopping this weekend in search of Book 5 - Significant Others.

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