Friday, June 25, 2010

Far Away

In the mid 90s I was corresponding with a slew of people from all over the world. Russia, Ireland, England, Italy, Germany, Holland, the South, the Midwest, Canada, Jamaica, and Africa. The photo above is of Mekonnen (lounging and sipping) and his brother in Addis Ababa. Although we no longer exchange letters, I still look at this picture from time to time and so wish to visit that gorgeous continent.


Cerpts said...

Oh come on, what about gorgeous Medford?!?!?

Cerpts said...

And don't forget picturesque Pemberton!!!

Star said...

picturesque pemberton!!! you totally just made me giggle like a five year old for like 3 minutes. i personally have always preferred the hustle and bustle of cosmopolitan maple shade, new jersey. oh, how i envied the inhabitants of that lovely little hamlet. even in my youth i was able to recognize the beauty and sophistication of that charming town.