Friday, June 30, 2023

Vision Board from Natalia

When I was helping Natalia move she showed me the vision board she had hanging in her hallway. I remember that on it she had a photo of a couple walking on a beach because in her ideal life she would have a partner who would stroll with her, hand in hand, along a sandy beach. She looked at it every day and voila! She met the man of her dreams and moved from Harlem to Honolulu with the ocean just a few blocks from her home. I told her I need to get a vision board and she immediately said that she'd give me hers because she no longer needed it. Now it hangs under my bed, next to my desk. I mostly posted up pictures from magazines of places I want to visit, qualities I want to cultivate, and sometimes just random things to make me smile, like my Goldie Falafel and shake pins. 

My John Lennon pin and a reminder to be honest and authentic.

The Colonial Theatre marquee, vintage camera, falafel and shake from Goldie, Le Sirenuse Hotel balcony with a white and blue squiggled tile from the beaches of Positano, plus a Lisa Star (Simpson) shrinky dink.

The Cliffs of Moher and a gravel road in the mountains somewhere.

Grote Markt in Antwerpen

Antwerpen-Centraal and a lady with grown-up fashion sense, something I do not currently possess the courage to represent.


In my dream life I have a lovely home all to myself with no neighbours for at least 100 feet and have a Little Free Library like this one right next to my mailbox.

Escaping in a fantastic vintage (but modernised) baby blue VW Bus!

Having a home with sheep to act as lawn mowers and loads of trees with a hole in them for the owl or squirrelies.

Hoping that I'll always find time for music, on my iPod or jamming to UB40 on an old school radio (which growing up we referred to as a ghetto blaster because it sounded super cool. Not terribly PC but we meant no disrespect, we just wanted to be rad like all the breakdancers we saw tear up the cardboard with that big ass radio blasting some smokin' hot tunes).

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