Monday, May 18, 2020

Movies You Walked Out On

Taken from my Film Listography book by Lisa Nola:

- Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan (I was actually carried out by my mother. Three times. This film traumatised me from the worms going in people's ears, to when they came out, and then finally when Spock sort of died. Saw it once when I was six and never plan on seeing it again.)
- Seven (I spent most of the film looking at my feet. When the body tied to the bed gasped so we knew they were alive I turned to my friend and said "Wake up, Winnie, we're leaving." I even demanded my money back. I was never so disgusted by a film in my life.)
- Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End
- Once Upon a Time in Mexico
- Stepmom (Robert and I saw this and we left more than once for a smoke - why did we go back in?!)
- Mr. Turner (Technically I think I only left for a smoke break but had to go back b/c I was there with Anne - I hated this movie.)
- The Ref (Absolutely beyond believable. We left when Spacey suddenly was on Leary's side and helped him to escape. Mega lame.)
- Saving Silverman

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