Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Farm on Dark Moon

Today I drove up to North Jersey to Amy and Don's farm. They had a surplus of eggs they were unable to sell and so I went to pick up 13 dozen for friends and family in South Jersey. I got to see the house for the first time and meet all the feather and fur babies, plus friends and farmhands, Matt and MC.

There was a pretty big rat snake in the rabbit hutch. Matt went in to remove it and the sweet lil' baby took a liking to him. The snake's tail went through the hammer notch on his overalls and wrapped itself around his thigh. Amy immediately chimed in, "it's not a constricting snake" and Matt immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

This little beauty reminded me of Belinda from Return to Oz, even though they look nothing alike. It was her personality and cluckity clucking.

Then it was time to meet the newest editions - baby bunnies!! I didn't hold them, though. They were very skittish and I didn't want to scare them or accidentally drop them. But look at those wee lil' ears!!

Here is a random deer skeleton that was outside the rabbit area.

And check out Mister Fluffy Pants!!! (I think Amy and Don call him Mr. Precious, but he looks like he's wearing big poofy pants and he's just the cutest!!)

Here's just a few of the eggs from Amy's fab farm. Delish and cruelty free!

Check out Anne's perfectly poached egg on toast using Amy's eggs:

And here's my attempt at a massive omelette that ended up becoming scrambled eggs. Still delish!

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