Friday, May 1, 2020

Alina's Artistic Endeavour

In continuing the crappiest year thus far, my Aunt Bernadette had a pretty bad stroke on Wednesday. As always, my mother is the one to step up and take control of a shitty situation and mold it back in to something good. She's taking care of my cousin, Alina, daughter of Godmommy Gina who passed away in January, and getting things at the house organised and ready for when Berne is able to come home to continue her recovery. I stopped at Mama Rosie's to chat with her and say hi to Alina, who showed me this hilarious photo she took:

So right now Lina is really into dinosaurs and Halloween masks. I told her I loved that the babydoll's belly was full of candy. The next time I went to the house to pick up mail, this was left for me on the kitchen table:

Alina's been a big help around the house in Philly and cleaning right alongside her Aunt Rose. We are all just hope, hope, hoping that Aunt Berne has a full recovery and can continue to amuse us with her fabulous expressions and her endless support to everyone she loves. ♥♥♥

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