Sunday, January 19, 2020


This week has been rough and I've been out sick from work for all but one day. Yesterday and today I sat in my recliner drinking endless glasses of H2O and mugs of tea in between coughing fits and trips to the peepod. The only thing that helped was watching Clue over and over and over all day long. I once posted the following and it's still so relevant.

Clue - Oh my lord Jesus, this is always, always my go-to movie when I'm sick. It is so freakin' funny and zany and every time I see it I just feel better. It instantly puts me in a good mood as soon as the first note of the opening music sounds off. Every character is brilliant and it's impossible to pick a favourite. Stand-out lines are definitely, "Flames...on the side of my face...." and "Our lives are in danger, ya beatnik!" Oh my god, so good.

(photo kidnapped from amazon)

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