Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hopes and Goals for 2019

- gain self control in regards to food
- continue to live a smoke free life, except for the occasional cigarette now and then
- get Amy to hang out at least every other month
- donate more --- more money, more clothes, more things, more time...focus on giving
- buy less
- get out of debt
- realise that spending money and possessing things is not bringing me happiness
- keep reading!!! lots and lots and lots!
- take a break from Instagram
- now that Sean and Ashlee have a new home, try to set up an evening a week or every other week to hang out
- write more and dedicate at least one evening a week to sitting at my desk and working
- be forgiving of others and myself and let go of nagging feelings
- spend more time with people that feed my creative soul and make my heart sing
- go to NYC for World Pride with Ashlee in June and celebrate Donna
- explore Baltimore in Springtime
- keep working on learning Spanish
- make a list of things to repair at home and get them the fuck done!
- complete more of my Listography and Fill-In-The-Blank books
- visit Natalia in Honolulu in November and pay respects to Fr. Damien
- send out all currently owned post and note cards and don't replenish. Cut down the mailing list and only send out holiday cards for the ones I really like (Valentine's Day, Halloween, and Christmas) - it's expensive and I need to focus on being financially responsible.
- cultivate and nurture the relationships where I get as much as I give and accept that not everyone wants to be my friend (even when some of those friends are family) and that it's not the end of the world.
- be positive!
- make more of an effort to visit with Nana Irma
- cut way back on time spent on my iPhone (not using IG will be a huge help in achieving this)
- continue to work out every day and put in more of an effort to try new routines
- read Infinite Jest and The Diary of Anne Frank
- maybe check out the Art After Stonewall at the Grey Art Gallery
- keep Low Budget Philanthropy alive!
- try new recipes
- think of visiting SF again in 2020
- maybe take a solo road trip to Cleveland with a stop in Pittsburgh for the Andy Warhol Museum and visit Chagrin Falls in the not-so-distant future
- try to see Johnny Mathis in concert with Kay, if he's on tour...
- be the best version of myself - do not fall into the female trap of cattiness and bitchery and backstabbing. Don't go for the cheap laugh and don't make fun of people - and that includes celebs. That's not who I am and it's not leading me on the path to enlightenment and self-actualization. Be nice!!!
- discover new music
- go see Hugh Jackman in June!!
- turn off the TV after work and read to music instead
- be stricter with veganism - NO CHEATING!
- look into practicing meditation
- get out there and publish them books!
- win the lotto
- oh geez, clean your office desk, already. It's a wreck.
- become organised
- let go of having things because they hold a memory - keep the memory but ditch the clutter
- make an effort to go out and about with Bishop every other month in addition to our Saturday evenings together
- keep trying no matter what and don't let the bastards get you down!

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