Saturday, October 6, 2018

Mad as Hell

I think the thing that bothers me the most about this confirmation is that all those privileged white men that heard Dr. Christine Blasey Ford speak, absolutely believed her. They just don't care. Because women - like blacks, children, Latinos, the disabled, the poor, the sick, and LGBTQ - hold no value in their eyes. They are only looking out for themselves and protecting other privileged white assholes. I am so enraged. Maybe women need to be more violent, since that seems to be the only thing that these men seem to understand. Maybe we need to be more like Lisbeth Salander. Even though this outcome is absolute fucking bullshit, I admire the hell out of all the women that speak up, that speak their truth, because, Sister, half the human race believes you and truly cares, even if most of the other half, the ones that run this planet, don't seem to give a fuck.

(photo kidnapped from elle)

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