Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February 2018 Donations

This month's donations went to Shoah and the International Campaign for Tibet

- Shoah is dedicated to making audio-visual interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides a compelling voice for education and action.

“The survivors gave us their testimonies so that we would tell the world and educate future generations twenty, fifty, a hundred years from now and beyond. The testimonies go beyond what you can find in a book, beyond what you can see on a blackboard, beyond what you can type on a tablet.”
—Stephen Smith, executive director USC Shoah Foundation

Brian Herzlinger introduced me to Schindler's List during senior year of high school and instilled in me a profound respect for what happened to so many humans during the Holocaust. Supporting Shoah is my very small way of helping to keep the memories of those lost and left behind as well as those that continued on after the atrocities. I so admire people with perseverance and inner strength.

- The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) works to promote human rights and democratic freedoms for the people of Tibet. ICT calls the world’s attention to the injustices and brutality from which the people of Tibet suffer. We shine a spotlight on China’s repressive authority and intervene on behalf of political prisoners. We work with and are guided by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and we provide support to Tibetans in exile.

During my discovery of Buddhism I became aware of ICT and felt compelled to do what little I could to help the people of Tibet and for Palden Gyatso who I truly admire.

A bonus order was a t-shirt for The AIDS Memorial Instagram page that was for sale at Adam's Nest. Part of the proceeds were donated to Housing Works to support its fight for funding and legislation to ensure that all people living with HIV/AIDS  have access to quality housing, healthcare, HIV prevention, and treatment, among other lifesaving services and its efforts to end the AIDS epidemic nationally by 2025.

Please join me in the Low Budget Philanthropy movement and help out your community and beyond in the simplest way - donating any amount to whatever charity or organisation that you care about!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Super Cool

I'm pretty sure that something like this is every kid's childhood fantasy.

(photo kidnapped from @simpleuniquespace's IG account)

Monday, February 26, 2018

Belated Galentine's Card

It's been a pretty rough couple of weeks at work. This card from Helen gave me a much needed smile.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Truffles

Thanks to Ugly By Nature's IG page I discovered a yum-yum delicious lil' recipe that lead me to Feasting on Fruit's website. It was crazy-super simple, mostly healthy, and seriously divine! Tonight was a practice run and the next time the results will all be beautiful, rather than most looking like monsters and two looking decent. Practice makes perfect, right?


Like a chocolate covered strawberry but BETTER. Light, airy strawberry truffle filling coated in dark chocolate for a tart and sweet decadent bite of a treat!

2 cups (325g) frozen or fresh strawberries
1 cup (20g) freeze dried strawberries
3/4 cup (90g) coconut flour
1 cup (180g) chocolate chips (Personally, I think at least a cup and a half would be best, since I like to slather these beauties in chocolate!)

If you are using frozen strawberries, defrost them (2-3 minutes in the microwave).
Blend the strawberries to puree.
Add the freeze dried strawberries. Blend again.
In a mixing bowl, combine the strawberry puree and coconut flour. Mix to form a thick dough.
Roll into balls.
Refrigerate or freeze for at least one hour until firm.
Melt the chocolate chips. You can add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil for easier coating.
Dip/coat each ball in chocolate. Transfer to a plate covered with wax paper. Refrigerate until the chocolate is set.

Pop one in your gob and roll your eyes back in your head as you feel like you are eating fluffy chocolate covered strawberry cake bites!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Friday, February 23, 2018

Introducing Ash to The Beet

Today I finally introduced Ashlee to my beloved Heart Beet Kitchen. I knew instinctively that she would want the Buffalo Cauliflower Sandwich, which, no surprise, she absolutely loved. Along with the Sweet Potato Crostini appetisers and the little wedge of my Coconut BLT. It was so nice to spends the afternoon together just talking and hanging out. I'm so happy she's moved back home to Philly!!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Get Out

Believe the hype.

(photo kidnapped from birthmoviesdeath)

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Toofahs for all!!

In the office today Charles informed me that they were giving away teeth on the third floor. Well, not one to pass up any kind of goofy freebie, I grabbed Miss Taryn and we dashed on down to snap up some goodies. We passed by one table that was giving out free candy (please, those Laffy Taffy's don't hold a candle to what we picked up!) and made a bee-line to the smiling couple that gave me (yes, me!) three plastic molars that open up (!!!!) and contain a quarter. The twenty five cents was nice, but I was just so stinkin' happy to score a silly lil' plastic toofah that I can display on my kids books bookcase. Best office day EVER!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Miss Potter 'n Me

Like the rest of the world, I downloaded the Google Arts & Culture app just to see what paintings supposedly resemble me. Miss Edie totes has my eyebrows! We are just a couple of plain-faced foxy bitches rockin' out in 1980s Brooke Shields brows, tryin' to keep 'em in fashion.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Reunited with The Kids

Today I got to see Jaeden for the first time in probably a year, then had lunch with Kay (we hadn't seen each other since Maria Bamford in mid-November) and finally Ashlee is finally back in Philly for good! I'm so lucky to have so many warm and wonderful people in my life that smother me with hugs and love to pose in silly selfies. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

Green Pod

Stumbled across this rad chair on Wayfair and knew that if I was one of those trendy hipster rich kids, this would so be mine!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Utility Cab on Eustace

(post script - I discovered that this piece was done by Italian artist  as a tribute to David Bowie and entitled Starman Meets the Blackstar.)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hawaiian Happiness

Look at these adorable, lovely people! For V-Day Brett, a Marine Biologist, got the shark "Be Mine" button and now sports it proudly!

Look at this cutie with his "You Take A Pizza My Heart" slice!!

And here's my girl Natalia and her Dublin-inspired homemade Valentine.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Two Happy Recipients

Helen and Kayla got their Valentine's in time for the big day and totally loved the homemade-ness. WHEW!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

2018 Valentines

This year's Valentine's Day cards were a mix of store bought, vintage, and homemade. I really hope people don't find the homemade ones to be mega cheesy...

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Art Museum Selfies

This morning Anne and I went to the Philly Art Museum to check out their Old Masters exhibit featuring oodles of beautiful artwork that was collected by John G. Johnson, who was apparently, in his day, the greatest lawyer in the English speaking world. Leave it to an American to come up with that humble testament to the man.