Friday, April 16, 2010

Larissa's Cartwheel

Back in college I took Art Therapy with my gal pals Rachel & Larissa. On our last day of class we were told to create a picture of our own. Larissa, who is an actual artist, made the piece above. I loved it so much that she let me keep it and it has hung by my bed since May 1996. It is chock full of joy and glee and I can't help but smile every morning when I open my eyes to it.

(also, i'd like to add that larissa is one of four artists responsible for my favourite mural in philadelphia - the flag mural on the warehouse off of delaware ave. it was done just after september 11th and it's spectacular. well done, ms. preston!)

(flag photograph taken 10.26.2014 & retro added on the 27th)

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