Sunday, January 30, 2022

What I Love About Xavier

• we make great travel pals and our trips to California in 2014 and abroad in 2019 were an absolute blast

• when we fight/disagree we are able to move on and get over it
• laughs at my silly quips and jokes
• he's got a great, big heart
• always super fun to be around
• can be crass, but always with a twinkle in his eye
• that rare father who likes spending time with his kids and doesn't make it seem like a chore

• willing to try new food
• supportive during all of my mental health mini-meltdowns
• understanding
• open-minded
• forgiving
• thoughtful, like the time when I thought I was gluten intolerant and he sent me a care package of yummy GF snickety-snacks
• genuinely caring
• we have a similar sense of humour
• loving husband to his ideal partner

• brilliant, with a mind like a steel trap, especially for movie lines
• stays in touch - our friendship isn't just one sided
• great taste in music
• has a sweet tooth that matches mine

• my all-time favourite mechanic
• some of the best times I've ever had in my life were with him:
 - Ted Lasso night
 - finally seeing the Winchester House plus Jaws on the big screen in San Francisco back in 2014
 - hanging out and watching movies when we were younger
 - showing him Antwerp in 2019

• he made me vegan brownies for my bday in 2015! (they were dee-lish!)

• tolerates my near incessant taking of selfies together
• gives the best bear hugs
• doesn't hesitate to end a call or any goodbye with an I love you
• always willing to help anyone in need
• even though he's eight years younger than me, we've been pals since the moment we met and will continue to be until we depart from this mortal coil

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